Lived in this area for years and my daughter graduated from Francis Howell high school. Been drinking the water from Weldon Springs for years. This article could explain my Renal Cell Carcinoma that now has metastasized from my left kidney (which has been removed), to my abdomen, liver, both lungs. I’m 70 now but wish I had know this sooner as we never have built a home in this area. Perhaps I need to call Josh Hawley!!

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I'm so sorry. So many people over the years who live/lived in the area have developed cancer and other related illnesses, but "officially" the rate of cancers is considered coincidental.

Check out Just Moms STL https://www.facebook.com/westlakelandfill/ . Plus, this JUST happened. (Hawley, really?) https://www.politico.com/minutes/congress/08-4-2023/oppenheimer-hits-the-senate/

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This is local History at its best. Invaluable! Wish I'd had it for the St. Louis chapter in my book "The First Moderns" (U. Chicago, 1997). -Bill Everdell

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Wow, you’re so kind!

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